
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday January 8, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
Math, gym and Science with Mr. Vanderlinden
- Book Review completion
- sharing "Winter Break" reflections

Ask your child:
- "what does the fox say?"
- to share their Book Review with you (it is due tomorrow) *BRING THE BOOK!
- how they are modeling this month's virtue: EMPATHY
- which books they suggested for "100 Books to Read before leaving Vista Heights"
- about the Literacy event next Thursday - did they put their name in for the draw to receive a book bag
*selected students have "MEDIA RELEASE" forms to bring back tomorrow - please check your child's ziplock baggie

- yellow swimming forms *due TOMORROW!
- cream-coloured Digital Champions "Green Screen Club" notice - *due this Friday January 10th

- Book Reviews - good copy due TOMORROW
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday)