
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
- Goal-setting:  Identify your new year's resolution
- Math test review / self-check rubric
- Introduction to Curling
- Math:  Grade 3 (2-digit addition), Grade 4 (Arrays / Multiplication)
- Science: reflection of light experiments

Ask your child:
- what is their personal new year's resolution, and how will they accomplish that goal?
- how their book review is coming along
- to see their new spelling words for this week
- what this month's virtue means: EMPATHY
- what types of observations did they make when experimenting with mirrors?
- how they earned DOJO points today; discuss how can they improve tomorrow?

- yellow swimming forms *due this Thurs January 9th
- cream-coloured Digital Champions "Green Screen Club" notice - *due this Friday January 10th

- Math workbook (pg. 1) for any students who did not finish today *DUE TOMORROW*
- please be working on Book Reviews - good copy due this Thursday January 9th!
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday)