
Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday January 24, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
- D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read), SWIMMING, S.S./Creative writing - postcard sensory sentences *for HOMEWORK (due: MONDAY), Music  - xylophones, DOJO/Student of the Week selection

- 5 sensory sentences for your assigned Alberta Region (use sensory word bank)
*I touched.... I saw...... I smelled..... I heard...... I tasted......*
- nightly reading, math facts practice

Ask your child about:
- the last swimming day
- what their 'most proud' DOJO point for the week
- how they did on their spelling quiz


- French quiz on colours and Oh Canada next week

*Please remind your child about street safety.  Discuss the importance of looking 'left, then right, then left' again, when crossing the street.

Healthy Hunger
-pizza lunch on Thursday, January 30th
-order online
-last day to order Monday, January 27th
-all orders must be made and paid online NO payments at the school please