Today's learning tasks:
- D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read), SWIMMING, Music, Science (building shadow casters, reflection, refraction, and light as colour review)
- review all science materials in "yellow" science workbook & complete the "Light & Shadows" review sheets
- nightly reading, math facts practice and spelling (quiz on Friday)
Ask your child about:
- swimming
- their shadow casters! Ask them to produce the shortest and longest shadow
* Science (Light & Shadows) test on Wednesday, January 22nd. Students should complete their "Light & Shadows Review" this evening to help prepare.
- French quiz on colours and Oh Canada next week
SWIMMING all week!
9:35 -board bus @ Vista Heights School
10:10-10:55 -swimming lesson
11:05 -bus leaves Village Square Leisure Center and returns to Vista Heights School
*Please remind your child about street safety. Discuss the importance of looking 'left, then right, then left' again, when crossing the street.
*Please remind your child about street safety. Discuss the importance of looking 'left, then right, then left' again, when crossing the street.
Healthy Hunger
-pizza lunch on Thursday, January 30th
-order online
-last day to order Monday, January 27th
-all orders must be made and paid online NO payments at the school please