
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday January 15, 2014

* Please contact us as soon as possible if you are able to volunteer in the mornings next week for our swimming field trip! We are still in need of additional supervision.

Today's learning tasks:

- Math: Grade 3's (addition with 30-digit)  Grade 4's (skip counting & multiples of 10)
- Gym: curling match (with scoring)
- Visit with Grade 5/6 class (mechanisms: circuits and switches)
- Science (light posters re-design)

Ask your child:

- How do you keep score in a curling match? What is the "hammer"?
- How they earned DOJO points today
- What did the enjoy most about the Grade 5/6 science project presentation?


- math homework (if not completed in class)
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (please remember to sign your child's learning log, as they get "responsibility" DOJO points for this


- Literacy event tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon

Healthy Hunger
-pizza lunch on Thursday, January 30th
-order online
-last day to order Monday, January 27th
-all orders must be made and paid online NO payments at the school please