
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

- Math: Grade 3's (subtracting by regrouping), Grade 4's (standard multiplication)
- Math: Exit Tickets
- Gym (skipping)
- Body Break - super Mario style :)
- Science: computers (waste and recycling exploration & introduction to D2L), assessing waste in our classroom

Ask your child:

- Are all their personal possessions at school (in desks and in back-packs) useful, or not useful?
- What skipping techniques did they try today?
- How did they set a good example on the playground today?


- Math homework (for students who did not complete in class)
- nightly reading, math facts practice
- study for French Quiz


- please send in all empty 2 LITRE POP BOTTLES to school with your child. We're collecting for science experiments.
- French (colours and Oh Canada)  *QUIZ on Thursday
- no school on Friday (PD Day for teachers)
- have you ordered your child's pizza lunch for THIS THURSDAY?