
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Today's Learning Tasks:

Science - We continued working within google drive on our waste presentations. Tomorrow will be the final day for groups to complete this task. Our next steps will involve group presentations to demonstrate what they have learned, and we will be created recycling awareness posters to go up around the school.

Music - preparations/rehearsal for the spring assembly.

Spring Assembly - Our grade 3's and 4's hosted an amazingly spring assembly today! We shared musical performances, exercise routines, dramatic skits about plant life cycles, spring raps with green screen effects, and findings from our school-wide waste sort. Great job from all who were involved! Thanks to parents and family members who came out to watch.

Art - We finished our day working on our spring wall art, which we hope to display in the school very soon.

Ask your child:
- How did the spring assembly go today? Were they proud to share with the entire school?
- about a family home plan to reduce, reuse and recycle waste
- What "bouquet" did they share with the class?

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Thursday this week)

- Book fair tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Please bring money if you wish to purchase a book.
- Trip to the Alberta Ballet tomorrow (Grade 4's will be leaving the school at 12:45pm and returning at 2:45pm)
- book online parent/teacher conferences for Thurs eve or Friday morning

On Saturday April 5th, Vista Heights School Council will be holding a bottle drive.
Location: Vista Heights School – Parking Lot
Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
-Please volunteer your time to help raise money for school events and activities. 
-If you are unable to volunteer please bring your bottles to the school during this time. 
-If you would like to donate your bottles, but are unable to transport them, we will give you a number to call

*This is a School Council Activity. Parents must attend with their children; the school staff is not responsible for this activity.

An adult must be present to pick-up bottles from homes and/or present to give permission for their child to ride in another parent’s vehicle. Parents with trucks are especially needed!

Please save your bottles and cans for April 5th!