
Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday March 3, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
French - Oh Canada quiz corrections, spelling (new list), gym (movement), S.S./L.A. - writing scripts for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie, L.A. - rhyming words game (prep for Signs of Spring Rap), Signs of Spring powerpoint presentation and group discussion, 'Wake n Shake' body break, Fort Calgary Field Trip reflections, Art - continuation of textures and gesture drawings

Ask your child:
- about their new spelling words for this week
- to see their Oh Canada corrections
- to play the rhyming game with you
- how (s)he did on last week's spelling quiz

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday this week)

- dress warmly, this is going to be another chilly week!
- Alien In-line roller-blading notice and payment due
- oldest child received a blue March Newsletter