Today's learning tasks:
Spelling - quiz reviewSocial Studies/Drama - group work with other Gr. 3/4 class, continuation of writing and practicing green screen scripts for recording next week
Math -
Question of the Day:
Grade 3: Valeria multiplied 5 by a number less than 4. The ones digit of her answer was 0. What number did she multiply 5 by? And, what was her answer?
Grade 4: Find the mystery numbers:
a) I am a multiple of 4. I am greater than 25 and less than 31.
b) I am divisible by 3. I am between 20 and 26. I am an even number.
We also continued work with the Grade 4's on division with remainders, and topics in multiplication with the Grade 3's.
Science - continued group work on Vista Heights Waste presentations.
Mission Afghanistan - student awareness lesson. As we prepare for the upcoming flag ceremony to honour the efforts of the brave Canadian men and women who have served our country in Afghanistan over the past 12 years, we are sharing information about this conflict and it's meaning. Here is a link to the documentary we will be watching as a group -
Gym - Alien Inline Skating!

- What was their favourite part about inline skating today?
- How are the Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan portrayed in the documentary we began to watch?
- NEW spelling words posted. Practice for quiz on Friday.
- gather props and costume pieces to bring to school for green screen recording next week.

- up-coming Gr, 3/4 Spring Assembly *Tues March 18, 1pm*
- bring props and costumes for 'Signs of Spring Rap'
- bring props and costumes for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie