Today's learning tasks:
- gym: gymnastics stations with the other Gr. 3/4 class
- S.S./L.A. - completion of green screen videoing
- Music: assembly video performance + self assessment
- Drama: seasonal skit rehearsals
- Spelling quiz
- Drama: prop preparation & seasonal spring skit performances
- Class meeting: announcement
Ask your child:
- how they think they did on their spelling quiz today
- what book they will enjoy over the break
- how they earned DOJO points this week
- how they enjoyed performing in our seasonal skits this afternoon
- nightly reading and math facts practice
- we have a few students and their families that still need to book a conference time to discuss their child's progress. The online booking system is closed, so please call the office to book a convenient appointment timefor tonight or Friday morning.
- no school tomorrow for conferences, then Spring break. Classes resume Monday MArch 31st
- ENJOY the break with your family!