
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday March 6, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

Student of the Week sharing:
- reading picture book to class

Gym - Movement Exploration: body shape, directions, levels

Music - preparing for our March 18th assembly

French - handing back & quiz corrections in 'colour'

Social Studies/Drama:
- group work with other Gr. 3/4 class, continuation of writing and practicing green screen scripts for recording next week

Ask your child:
- How they plan to ace their spelling quiz tomorrow
- about our Signs of Spring Rap "Look, touch, listen....."
- how they improved their group work habits today
- how they are modeling the virtue of honesty this month

- gather props and costume pieces to bring to school for green screen recording next week
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz TOMORROW)
- Spring RAP  (in yellow Creative Journal) - compose 2 line rhyme on their assigned spring insect/animal/plant, etc *due TOMORROW

- Alien In-line roller-blading notice and payment due TOMORROW! we start Monday!
- up-coming Gr, 3/4 Spring Assembly *Tues March 18, 1pm*

- bring props and costumes for 'Signs of Spring Rap'
- bring props and costumes for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie