
Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday March 31, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
- Creative Writing Reflection "My Spring Break" + sharing in pairs
- Spelling (new lists) *quiz on Friday*
- gym - hand ball
- S.S./L.A: Green Screen editing (learnign how to add transisitons and sound clips)
- S.S. - adding sound and transitions with partner
- S.S.: video viewing of 'First Nations' Communication', stories, myths and 'Writing on Stone Provincial Park'
- French: les vetements (clotbing) for l'hiver (winter) and l'ete (summer)

Ask your child:
- *tell your child about your family background - where were you born, where were your parents born?  what cultural traditions do you follow?  do you have any hostorical stories to share with your child?
- how to say these clothing words in French:  toque, mittens, jacket, boots, shorts, t-shirt

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice *quiz on Friday this week
- finish Creative Writing Reflection "My Winter Break' (at least 2 pages in length)
- finish word search and drawings of French les vetements


Bottle Drive Fundraiser

On Saturday April 5th, Vista Heights School Council will be holding a bottle drive.

Location: Vista Heights School – Parking Lot

Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm

-Please volunteer your time to help us raise money for school events and activities.

-If you are unable to volunteer please bring your bottles to the school during this time.

-If you would like to donate your bottles, but are unable to transport them, call Joanna and we will arrange pick-up.

*This is a School Council Activity. Parents must attend with their children; the school staff is not responsible for this activity. An adult must be present to pick-up bottles from homes and/or present to give permission for their child to ride in another parent’s vehicle. Parents with trucks are especially needed!

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Phone: Joanna Quinn 403-291-1955

Email Allison Miller



Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday March 20, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
- gym: gymnastics stations with the other Gr. 3/4 class
- S.S./L.A. - completion of green screen videoing
- Music: assembly video performance + self assessment
- Drama: seasonal skit rehearsals
- Spelling quiz
- Drama: prop preparation & seasonal spring skit performances
- Class meeting: announcement

Ask your child:
- how they think they did on their spelling quiz today
- what book they will enjoy over the break
- how they earned DOJO points this week
- how they enjoyed performing in our seasonal skits this afternoon

- nightly reading and math facts practice

- we have a few students and their families that still need to book a conference time to discuss their child's progress.  The online booking system is closed, so please call the office to book a convenient appointment timefor tonight or Friday morning.
- no school tomorrow for conferences, then Spring break.  Classes resume Monday MArch 31st
- ENJOY the break with your family!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Today's Learning Tasks:

Art - We finished our spring season wall-art. Room 4 students were incredibly creative with their designs!

Gym - Movements in gymnastics were reinforced when groups were challenged with various obstacle courses and apparatus.

Science - We completed the final edits on our waste presentations. Our next steps will involve group presentations to demonstrate what they have learned, and we will be created recycling awareness posters to go up around the school.

Alberta Ballet ("Giselle") - Our Grade 4's attended a professional ballet performance at the Jubliee this afternoon. It was an amazing experience. Learn more about the performance by clicking this link.

Ask your child:
- Grade 4's: What was the story of Giselle? What did they enjoy most about the performance?
- What did the add to their "wish list" at the Book Fair today?

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Thursday this week)

- bring in props for the spring skit performance
- please book online parent/teacher conferences for Thurs eve or Friday morning if you have not already :)

On Saturday April 5th, Vista Heights School Council will be holding a bottle drive.
Location: Vista Heights School – Parking Lot
Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
-Please volunteer your time to help raise money for school events and activities. 
-If you are unable to volunteer please bring your bottles to the school during this time. 
-If you would like to donate your bottles, but are unable to transport them, we will give you a number to call

*This is a School Council Activity. Parents must attend with their children; the school staff is not responsible for this activity.

An adult must be present to pick-up bottles from homes and/or present to give permission for their child to ride in another parent’s vehicle. Parents with trucks are especially needed!

Please save your bottles and cans for April 5th!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Today's Learning Tasks:

Science - We continued working within google drive on our waste presentations. Tomorrow will be the final day for groups to complete this task. Our next steps will involve group presentations to demonstrate what they have learned, and we will be created recycling awareness posters to go up around the school.

Music - preparations/rehearsal for the spring assembly.

Spring Assembly - Our grade 3's and 4's hosted an amazingly spring assembly today! We shared musical performances, exercise routines, dramatic skits about plant life cycles, spring raps with green screen effects, and findings from our school-wide waste sort. Great job from all who were involved! Thanks to parents and family members who came out to watch.

Art - We finished our day working on our spring wall art, which we hope to display in the school very soon.

Ask your child:
- How did the spring assembly go today? Were they proud to share with the entire school?
- about a family home plan to reduce, reuse and recycle waste
- What "bouquet" did they share with the class?

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Thursday this week)

- Book fair tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Please bring money if you wish to purchase a book.
- Trip to the Alberta Ballet tomorrow (Grade 4's will be leaving the school at 12:45pm and returning at 2:45pm)
- book online parent/teacher conferences for Thurs eve or Friday morning

On Saturday April 5th, Vista Heights School Council will be holding a bottle drive.
Location: Vista Heights School – Parking Lot
Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
-Please volunteer your time to help raise money for school events and activities. 
-If you are unable to volunteer please bring your bottles to the school during this time. 
-If you would like to donate your bottles, but are unable to transport them, we will give you a number to call

*This is a School Council Activity. Parents must attend with their children; the school staff is not responsible for this activity.

An adult must be present to pick-up bottles from homes and/or present to give permission for their child to ride in another parent’s vehicle. Parents with trucks are especially needed!

Please save your bottles and cans for April 5th!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Paddy's day!

Today's Learning Tasks:
- Spelling - new word lists
- Assembly practice: Science (plant life), creative movement
- gym: gymnastics routines at various stations
- Art: flower creations (assembly preparation)
- S.S. - green screen iMovie recordings
- L.A. - picture prompt story writing
- Science: waste in our world video & discussion

Ask your child:
- about a family home plan to reduce, reuse and recycle waste
- about their green screen character

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Thursday this week)

- assembly tomorrow afternoon - dress snappy, parents welcome, 1pm start
- Wednesday field trip to Ballet *please make sure forms and $2 are in*
- book online parent/teacher conferences for Thurs eve or Friday morning
- bring Spring skit props and costumes (performance Thursday afternoon (parents welcome, 1pm)

On Saturday April 5th, Vista Heights School Council will be holding a bottle drive.
Location: Vista Heights School – Parking Lot
Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
-Please volunteer your time to help raise money for school events and activities. 
-If you are unable to volunteer please bring your bottles to the school during this time. 
-If you would like to donate your bottles, but are unable to transport them, we will give you a number to call

*This is a School Council Activity. Parents must attend with their children; the school staff is not responsible for this activity.

An adult must be present to pick-up bottles from homes and/or present to give permission for their child to ride in another parent’s vehicle. Parents with trucks are especially needed!

Please save your bottles and cans for April 5th!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday March 14, 2014

Today's Learning Tasks:
- Spelling quiz
- Drama - Seasonal Spring skit - rehearsal
- Science/Creative Movement - plant life cycle creative movement piece (for performance at next week's assembly)
- L.A./Drama - recording Spring RAPS
- S.S./Drama/L.A. - Alberta Regions green screen recording
- Gym - Alien In-line rollerblading *last day*  BOO
- Music - preparation for assembly perofrmance
- DOJO Review and next Student of the Week selection

- nightly reading, math facts practice
- practice lines for spring skits

Ask your child:
- how many correct spellings they esarned on their spelling quiz today
- if they have brought all their props and costumes for screen recording
- about their DOJO earnings this week

- please book a Partent/Teacher Conference for this Thurs evening or Friday morning - book online  at:
- Assembly next Tuesday 1:00pm (our class is hosting and performing)
- Seasonal Spring Skit- performance next Wed afternoon - parents invited!
- bring all props and costumes for Alberta Regions Green Screening
- bring all props and costumes for our Spring Skits (performance next Wed afternoon)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday March 13, 2014

Today's Learning Tasks:
- Drama - Seasonal Spring skit - introduction, higlighting lines and run-thru
- L.A. - practitcing Spring RAPS
- Music - preparation for assembly perofrmance
- S.S./L.A./Drama - practicing Alberta Regions green screen scripts
- Creative Movement - introduction to plant life cycle creative movement piece (for performance at next week's assembly)
- Gym - Alien In-line rollerblading

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz tomorrow)
- practice lines for green screening and spring skits

Ask your child:
- how they are enjoying the Alien In-line Rollerblading
- how they plan to ACE their spelling quiz tomorrow
- what kinds of props and costumes they need to bring for their skit and green screen recording
- how they have improved their DOJO earnings this week

- Assembly next Tuesday 1:00pm (our class is hosting and performing)
- bring all props and costumes for Alberta Regions Green Screening (recording tomorrow)
- bring all props and costumes for our Spring Skits (performance next Wed afternoon)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

Flag Ceremony to honour the Canadian soldiers who served in Afghanistan. Today marked the end of our Canadian military presence in this region of the world.

Science - continued group work on Vista Heights Waste presentations.

Math - 
Question of the Day (have you child show you how to solve this at home!)

Grade 3: 
Write all the pairs of numbers you can think of that multiply to give 12.
(For an extra challenge, find all pairs of numbers that multiply to give 20).

Grade 4: 
Find two different ways to share 14 apples in equal groups so there are 2 apples left over.

Art - We began our "Spring is in the air" art project today, where students are expected to create their own wall-art using paper towel rolls. Students are encouraged to demonstrate their creativity while designing plant or floral based design.

Gym - Alien Inline Skating!

Ask your child:
- Is Mr. Dan a good skating instructor?
- What will their paper towel roll wall-art look like when it is finished?

- math and language facts practice (check out the "learning links" in your google drive)
- spelling practice

- bring props and costumes for 'Signs of Spring Rap'

- bring props and costumes for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie

- Grade 4's: please sign and return the parent/guardian consent form (and $2 trip fee) for the Alberta Ballet's Discover Dance Program. Student will be attending this event at the Jubilee Auditorium next Wednesday, March 19th in the afternoon. DUE DATE: Friday, Mar. 14

- Scholastic Book Fair March 18th - 21st
The Learning Commons will be transformed into a book store for 4 days.
It will be open every morning from 9:30 am -12:00 pm, and on Thursday, March 21st during conferences from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm.
 - Two volunteers needed for 20 minutes each day.  One volunteer to assist with set-up at 9:15 am, and another volunteer to put away the books at 12:00 pm.  If you can help, please email me or phone Vista Heights School (403)777-6000.

- up-coming Gr, 3/4 Spring Assembly *Tues March 18, 1pm*

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

Science - continued group work on Vista Heights Waste presentations.

Math - 
Challenge of the Day:
Grade 3's & Grade 4's created their own math story problems for multiplication and division. They were able to share these problems with other students, who were responsible for solving with learned strategies.


Mission Afghanistan - student awareness lesson. As we prepare for the upcoming flag ceremony to honour the efforts of the brave Canadian men and women who have served our country in Afghanistan over the past 12 years, we are sharing information about this conflict and it's meaning. Here is a link to the documentary we will be watching as a group -

We were able to share and discuss cultural backgrounds as a group. We explored the diversity that exists in Canadian society and our need to value and protect personal freedoms in other areas of the world.

Student of the Week - reading selection from our student of the week.

Gym - Alien Inline Skating!

 Ask your child:
- Why is Canada a democracy?
- What is the big "Question" for their waste presentation project?

- math and language facts practice (check out the "learning links" in your google drive)
- NEW spelling words posted.

- Grade 4's: please sign and return the parent/guardian consent form (and $2 trip fee) for the Alberta Ballet's Discover Dance Program. Student will be attending this event at the Jubilee Auditorium next Wednesday, March 19th in the afternoon. DUE DATE: Friday, Mar. 15

- Scholastic Book Fair March 18th - 21st
The Learning Commons will be transformed into a book store for 4 days.
It will be open every morning from 9:30 am -12:00 pm, and on Thursday, March 21st during conferences from 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm.
 - Two volunteers needed for 20 minutes each day.  One volunteer to assist with set-up at 9:15 am, and another volunteer to put away the books at 12:00 pm.  If you can help, please email me or phone Vista Heights School (403)777-6000.

- up-coming Gr, 3/4 Spring Assembly *Tues March 18, 1pm*

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

Spelling - quiz review

Social Studies/Drama - group work with other Gr. 3/4 class, continuation of writing and practicing green screen scripts for recording next week

Math - 
Question of the Day:

Grade 3: Valeria multiplied 5 by a number less than 4. The ones digit of her answer was 0. What number did she multiply 5 by? And, what was her answer?

Grade 4: Find the mystery numbers:
a) I am a multiple of 4. I am greater than 25 and less than 31.
b) I am divisible by 3. I am between 20 and 26. I am an even number.

We also continued work with the Grade 4's on division with remainders, and topics in multiplication with the Grade 3's.

Science - continued group work on Vista Heights Waste presentations.

Mission Afghanistan - student awareness lesson. As we prepare for the upcoming flag ceremony to honour the efforts of the brave Canadian men and women who have served our country in Afghanistan over the past 12 years, we are sharing information about this conflict and it's meaning. Here is a link to the documentary we will be watching as a group -

Gym - Alien Inline Skating!

Ask your child:
- What was their favourite part about inline skating today?
- How are the Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan portrayed in the documentary we began to watch?

- NEW spelling words posted. Practice for quiz on Friday.
- gather props and costume pieces to bring to school for green screen recording next week.

- Grade 4's: please sign and return the parent/guardian consent form (and $2 trip fee) for the Alberta Ballet's Discover Dance Program. Student will be attending this event at the Jubilee Auditorium next Wednesday, March 19th in the afternoon. DUE DATE: Friday, Mar. 15
- up-coming Gr, 3/4 Spring Assembly *Tues March 18, 1pm*
- bring props and costumes for 'Signs of Spring Rap'
- bring props and costumes for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday March 6, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

Student of the Week sharing:
- reading picture book to class

Gym - Movement Exploration: body shape, directions, levels

Music - preparing for our March 18th assembly

French - handing back & quiz corrections in 'colour'

Social Studies/Drama:
- group work with other Gr. 3/4 class, continuation of writing and practicing green screen scripts for recording next week

Ask your child:
- How they plan to ace their spelling quiz tomorrow
- about our Signs of Spring Rap "Look, touch, listen....."
- how they improved their group work habits today
- how they are modeling the virtue of honesty this month

- gather props and costume pieces to bring to school for green screen recording next week
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz TOMORROW)
- Spring RAP  (in yellow Creative Journal) - compose 2 line rhyme on their assigned spring insect/animal/plant, etc *due TOMORROW

- Alien In-line roller-blading notice and payment due TOMORROW! we start Monday!
- up-coming Gr, 3/4 Spring Assembly *Tues March 18, 1pm*

- bring props and costumes for 'Signs of Spring Rap'
- bring props and costumes for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Today's learning tasks:

Gym - We shared our gymnastic practice routines & worked on audience manners.

Math - Grade 3's worked on multiplication by skip counting and doubling. Grade 4's worked on division connections to multiplication and introduction to remainders.
- Exit Tickets (multiplication & division assessment)

Body Break - Just Dance Mario style :)

Science - Students continued work on their school waste presentation using Google Presentation. They shared their presentation document with all group members and are becoming more experienced with Google Drive.
- We had a group reading period where students read "Where does garbage go?". Each group analyzed a section of the book and uncovered the main idea and found supporting facts.

Ask your child:
- What does it mean to have good "audience manners"?
- How can they work more effectively in group situations?

- new "learning links" are available in your GOOGLE DRIVE!
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday this week)

- Alien In-line roller-blading notice and payment due ASAP!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
Student recognition - mould hero / villain projects
Gym - Gymnastics unit. Exploring movements for routines.
Science - Room 3 & 4 students began work on their school waste presentation using Google presentation. This project will be ongoing over the next two weeks.
Math - Grade 3's continued working on multiplication making connections with addition and skip counting. Grade 4's continued work with division.
School newsletter sharing.
Bouquet & a Beef.

Ask your child:
- What improvements could they have made to their mould hero or villain?
- What movement/skill did they learn in gym?
- What is a "bouquet" and a "beef"?

- new "learning links" are available in your GOOGLE DRIVE!
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday this week)

- dress warmly, this is going to be another chilly week!
- Alien In-line roller-blading notice and payment due
- Check out our March Newsletter -

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday March 3, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
French - Oh Canada quiz corrections, spelling (new list), gym (movement), S.S./L.A. - writing scripts for Alberta Regions green screen iMovie, L.A. - rhyming words game (prep for Signs of Spring Rap), Signs of Spring powerpoint presentation and group discussion, 'Wake n Shake' body break, Fort Calgary Field Trip reflections, Art - continuation of textures and gesture drawings

Ask your child:
- about their new spelling words for this week
- to see their Oh Canada corrections
- to play the rhyming game with you
- how (s)he did on last week's spelling quiz

- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday this week)

- dress warmly, this is going to be another chilly week!
- Alien In-line roller-blading notice and payment due
- oldest child received a blue March Newsletter