
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday February 6, 2014

Today's learning tasks:
EXTRA music - musical games, gym - skipping partner routines, music - xylophone fun, S.S. - transferring sensory sentences to final copy of postcards, Art -  Alberta landscapes on postcards, Guided Reading

Ask your child:
- how they have taken initiative this week
- to predict their spelling quiz mark for tomorrow
- which Alberta landscape they are assigned

- S.S. (green duotang) - finish copying sensory sentences onto the postcard' DUE TOMORROW
- D2L assignment - "12 Steps to Being a Good Caretaker of Earth" - due on WEDNESDAY (submit via Dropbox)!
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz tomorrow)

- please return signed report card envelopes
- please return signed field trip forms
- upcoming field trip (Feb 10th morning) *We need ONE MORE parent volunteer or we CANNOT GO ( this parent MUST have CBE security clearance!
- additional field trip on February 28th morning *we are in need of ONE MORE parent volunteer or we CANNOT GO (this parent MUST have CBE security clearance!
Pls let us know if you are able to attend, ASAP.
- Teachers' Convention next week - no school for students on Thursday and Friday