
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday December 12, 2013

We are looking forward to tomorrow!!

Today's learning tasks:
- Student of the Week sharing
- 'Wake n Shake' movement- Quest Rehearsal -polishing our movement and voice
- Music - continued work with recorders
- Winter Art: tissue paper landscape
- more Quest rehearsing
- continued work on art

Ask your child:
- if they brought home any "wait list" tickets for a show
- to recite some lines from our classes' piece
- *we are in need of 10 Nintendo/Play station (pretend) props for one of our scenes.  if your child could make some out of cardboard and colour black, we would greatly appreciate it!*
- how they earned DOJO points today


- nightly reading and math facts practice
- Spelling practice (quiz tomorrow)


- Gr. 2/3 Digital Champions Club is CANCELLED tomorrow due to the QUEST Theatre performances.  Students will have the opportunity to share the Read + Write Gold program with classes next week.  Watch for new Digital Champion clubs beginning in January.

- Math test coming up on Tuesday, December 17th.
Purdy’s Chocolate Orders have arrived!
                -you can pick up your order from your child’s classroom
                -after the Quest performance on Friday, December 13th – is an ideal time!
-  Quest Theatre Performances Schedule (Friday, December 13th):

Performance of

Students Return to School - Classrooms (with parent/guardian)

Performance of 