GREAT FUN in Room 4 today!
Learning tasks:
- good game of volleyball with our Gr. 3/4 neighbours
- self-assessment: "I am a good reader because..."
- "Zooming in on Alberta's regions" - Grasslands & the Canadian Shield
- Music: new recorder song "looking down"
- Buddy time: took buddy pics in Photo Booth, attached to email and sent to teacher
- explored the educational iPod apps with Gr. 1/2 buddy
Ask your child:
- what reading goal they set for themselves
- about taking a picture and sending an email with an attachment
- about the fun apps on the iPods
- nightly reading and math facts
- no school tomorrow (System PD Day)
- does your child have a pair of earbuds to leave at school?
Reminder: Healthy Hunger
Pita Lunch

Please visit this website for more information and to create a new account for your child.
On our next "special lunch" day we will be having a Pita lunch - November 29
See you on Monday!
Bonne weekend!