
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday October 1, 2013

Welcome to October!  This month Vista Heights will focus our attention to the virtue of RESPECT.  We will learn to respect ourself, others, our belongings, our surroundings and the earth.  Please talk about respect during your family discussions and encourage your child to share with our class the next day.

Home Learning Logs - Parents, please take a moment to review and sign each of the math facts, spelling and reading pages.  Please encourage your child to complete their home learning each night and sign for their minutes, so we can keep track. *The weekly spelling quiz will be on Thursday this week, as Friday is a Professional Development day and students will not be attending school.

On Thursday, October 3rd there will be a special snack.  Frozen yogurt will be for sale for 50 cents at recess!

Your child has brought home a note about our pizza lunch on October 11th.  Forms are due no later than October 8th.