
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's Learning Tasks:

Science - final work on our mould hero/villain projects. We will be having a gallery walk tomorrow to share our creations. We also used Google forms to input all our data from the recent school-wide waste sort and began to set goals for our group presentations.
Math - patterns and personal strategies when multiplying with 9's.
Grade 3's - multiplication with arrays. Grade 4's - division connections to multiplication & addition.
Gym - gymnastics - movement skills with an animal twist.

Ask your child:

- How were they able to manage their data from our school-wide waste sort?
- What trick will they use when multiplying by 9's?
- What can they do to improve their focus in the classroom?


- Math practice - check out the math links in student's D2L
- nightly reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday)


- sign and return field trip forms asap - Fort Calgary field trip all day THIS FRIDAY! We need one more volunteer, please!