Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Wed Nov 6, 2013
Learning activities today:Math, gym, recess, science, lunch, Social Studies, Creative Writing (individual conferences regarding RESPECT paragraph writing), spelling, class novelReminders:- please review all letters/forms that were taken home last night (i.e. Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Field Trip Form, ClassDojo parent form) & return them asap!- students, if you haven't already, try to customize your ClassDojo avatar online tonight- parents, explore your parent account for our ClassDojo (see the invitation your child brought home)
- Veteran's Drive - please bring in any non-perishable donations for the Food Bank this week- nightly learning - reading, math facts and spelling practice (quiz on Friday this week)
- Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday at 10:45 (parents welcome), wear service uniforms
Ask your child about:- if they have personalized their DOJO avatar
- writing feedback from RESPECT paragraph writing - how can they improve their paragraph writing, next time
- which spelling strategies they prefer to study their spelling words?