
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thurs October 24, 2013

A whirlwind day in Room 4 - story-writing, gym, recess, music, more story-writing, RESPECT paragraph writing and a FIRE DRILL.  Ask your child what they should do if the firebell rings and they are somewhere other than our classroom.

Please make sure your child knows an emergency phone number and last name.
Spelling quiz tomorrow.
Last call for recorder orders.
Ask your child about their story - students were given 1.5 hours to write a story.  If it is not complete, it is for homework and due tomorrow (Friday).
Digital Champions Club (Gr. 3) tomorrow at lunch with Mrs. Traquair

A couple students have still not brought their newspaper article to share.  If this is your child, please remind them.  *Tomorrow is the last day.